This is the complete list of members for ComplexSparseMatrix, including all inherited members.
addNonZeroValues(const int row, const int col, const std::complex< double > &val) | ComplexSparseMatrix | virtual |
addNonZeroValuesWithoutSearchingLocation(const int loc, const std::complex< double > &val) | ComplexSparseMatrix | virtual |
addRightHandSideVector(const int row, const std::complex< double > &val, const int irhs=0) | ComplexSparseMatrix | |
checkAndGetLocationNonZeroValue(const int row, const int col) | ComplexSparseMatrix | virtual |
ComplexSparseMatrix() | ComplexSparseMatrix | explicit |
ComplexSparseMatrix(const int nrows, const int ncols, const int nrhs=1) | ComplexSparseMatrix | explicit |
ComplexSparseMatrix(const ComplexSparseMatrix &matrix) | ComplexSparseMatrix | private |
convertToCRSFormat() | ComplexSparseMatrix | |
copyRhsVector(std::complex< double > *vecOut) const | ComplexSparseMatrix | |
copyRhsVector(const int numCompsCopied, const int *const compsCopied, std::complex< double > *vecOut) const | ComplexSparseMatrix | |
debugWriteMatrix() const | ComplexSparseMatrix | |
debugWriteNonZeroRightHandSide() const | ComplexSparseMatrix | |
debugWriteRightHandSide() const | ComplexSparseMatrix | |
deleteTripletMatrix() | ComplexSparseMatrix | protected |
getNumColumns() const | ComplexSparseMatrix | |
getNumRightHandSideVectors() const | ComplexSparseMatrix | |
getNumRows() const | ComplexSparseMatrix | |
hasConvertedToCRSFormat() const | ComplexSparseMatrix | |
initializeMatrixAndRhsVectors(const int nrows, const int ncols, const int nrhs) | ComplexSparseMatrix | virtual |
m_columns | ComplexSparseMatrix | protected |
m_hasConvertedToCRSFormat | ComplexSparseMatrix | protected |
m_matrixTripletFormat | ComplexSparseMatrix | protected |
m_numColumns | ComplexSparseMatrix | protected |
m_numNonZeros | ComplexSparseMatrix | protected |
m_numRightHandSideVectors | ComplexSparseMatrix | protected |
m_numRows | ComplexSparseMatrix | protected |
m_rightHandSideVector | ComplexSparseMatrix | protected |
m_rowIndex | ComplexSparseMatrix | protected |
m_values | ComplexSparseMatrix | protected |
operator=(const ComplexSparseMatrix &rhs) | ComplexSparseMatrix | private |
reallocateMemoryForRightHandSideVectors(const int nrhs) | ComplexSparseMatrix | |
releaseMemory() | ComplexSparseMatrix | virtual |
setNumRowsAndColumns(const int nrows, const int ncols) | ComplexSparseMatrix | virtual |
setStructureAndAddValueByTripletFormat(const int row, const int col, const std::complex< double > &val) | ComplexSparseMatrix | virtual |
setStructureByTripletFormat(const int row, const int col) | ComplexSparseMatrix | virtual |
zeroClearNonZeroValues() | ComplexSparseMatrix | |
zeroClearRightHandSideVector() | ComplexSparseMatrix | |
~ComplexSparseMatrix() | ComplexSparseMatrix | virtual |